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This site is run by a company that supports university applications and whilst its university database is not exhaustive, within the application requirements tab on each university profile they have the average IB scores accepted and where available the application success rate.
They also have average living costs for the area, rankings overviews and some scholarship information.
Be aware that they list programs in all languages, not just English and the IB scores and success rate percentages are averages across the whole institution. However, they are a good indicator if the university does not publish more detailed information.


Explore the university profiles for this country on the CareersExplore Platform.

EHL Hospitality Business School
A small, vibrant, international campus with a real community feel!
Single Focus Institution - A business school with a touch of hospitality, giving you great know-how and soft skills.
City Campus, City Island Campus, Suburban Campus
Small Institution <5000
Areas of Study

Glion Institute of Higher Education
Glion is an icon of excellence in luxury and hospitality business education, helping students to achieve their dreams for more than 60 years.
Glion specialises in luxury & hospitality business education.
Suburban Campus, City Island Campus
Small Institution <5000
Areas of Study

Les Roches Global Hospitality Education
The essence of Les Roches – as it has been for over 70 years – is to deliver a world-class education in hospitality management. On and off campus, we open our students' hearts to new cultures; their minds to new ideas. Les Roches is more than a school; it's a Way of Life!
We follow the Swiss educational model blending applied learning with real-world experience.
City Island Campus, Rural Campus
Small Institution <5000
Areas of Study