I'm excited to share with you not one but THREE new podcast episodes.
In these episodes, we go behind the scenes of an admissions office with Kati Sweaney (formerly of Reed College) and Tom Campbell (formerly of Pomona College).
Find these episodes on iTunes, Google Podcasts, or even by calling out "Hey Alexa/Google, play the College Essay Guy podcast." (For real. Try it.)
Ep. 301: Behind the Scenes of an Admission Counselor's Life w/ Kati Sweaney
In this conversation with Kati Sweaney, Senior Assistant Dean of Admission at Reed College at the time of recording, we cover:
· The life of an admission officer, including what their travel season is like
· Do’s and don’ts for that initial email to an admissions office
· What is demonstrated interest? Why it matters for colleges to predict who attends their school
· Additional info sections that made a difference
· How fast do admissions officers read the application?
· How many essays has Kati read?
· Kati’s do’s and don'ts for the application essays
· Lots more.
Ep. 302: Behind the Scenes of an Admission Office, Part 1 w/ Tom Campbell
What happens when you click submit on your application—where does it go? Who reads it? What are they thinking? How do they make decisions? I cover all of these questions and more with Tom — who at the time of this recording was Assistant Dean Of Admissions at Pomona College.
Ep. 303: Behind the Scenes of an Admission Office, Part 2 w/ Tom Campbell
In part 2, Tom and I come back together to cover a ton of listener questions that we didn’t get to during the first episode (and some questions folks didn’t ask) and dig deeper on all things admissions at Pomona.
Be well,
p.s. Catch all the CEG podcast episodes on your favorite podcast app, or browse old episodes on our full list here.