African Studies

African Studies is the study of the acquisition of African languages, their structure, history, grammar and use. It may also include study of a variety of African cultures and literature using the techniques of literary analysis and interpretation.
Digging deeper into subject interests can help you in a number of ways:
Confirm whether this is (or isn't) something you would be interested in enough to want to study it at university either as the focus of your degree or a minor/elective
Give you some inspiration to use when creating your questions and topics for IA's (coursework) and your Extended Essay
Provide you with content for your university application writing in the future, enabling you to reflect on the things you've been doing to explore your interests in a way that is academically relevant to the course or institution you are applying for.
Useful Resources
Asian and African Studies Blog | Blog | The blog focuses on the extraordinarily diverse collections in Asian and African Studies which constitute one of the world’s finest resources for the study of Asia, the Middle East and Africa. | Click Here > | |
African Studies Review | Journal | African Studies Review, is a multi-disciplinary scholarly journal published by the African Studies Association, containing articles based on original research and analysis of Africa as well as book reviews three times annually. | Click Here > | |
Coursera | Online Course | Coursera is an online platform for distance learning. They have a range of free courses delivered by universities. Search in this section to find courses of interest to you, often these are courses you can follow at your own pace. | Click Here > | |
EdX | Online Course | The X Series courses on the EdX platform are free online courses delivered by universities and aimed at helping you explore areas of interest. | Click Here > | |
FutureLearn | Online Course | FutureLearn is a free online platform where universities from around the globe host FREE online courses you can undertake in your areas of interest. Browse courses by categories or use the search bar to find courses relevant to your interests | Click Here > | |
African Studies Centre | Podcast | Recorded Lecture | The University of Oxford is one of the world's leading centres for the study of Africa. In every Faculty and Division across the University there are active research programmes focused on the continent. The African Studies Centre, within the School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies, acts as a focal point for graduate level work and faculty research on Africa. | Click Here > | |
TORCH | The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities | Podcast | Recorded Lecture | The University of Oxford is home to an impressive range and depth of research activities in the Humanities. TORCH | The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities is a major new initiative that seeks to build on this heritage and to stimulate and support research that transcends disciplinary and institutional boundaries. Here we feature some of the networks and programmes, as well as recordings of events, and offer insights into the research that they make possible. | Click Here > | |
England's hidden history | Black History Month Talk | Recorded Lecture | Among the glamour and intrigue that surrounds the Tudor period is the untold story of people of African descent who lived and worked throughout England – not as slaves but as members of society. | Click Here > |