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Maths Lecture Series

About the Lecture Series

Gresham College are hosting a maths lecture series from October 2023 - June 2024.

The lecture series will explore games, puzzles, riddles, coincidences, confounding conundrums, proof, and how all of these can make maths interesting. All lectures will be hosted by Professor Sarah Hart from Gresham College.

A Mathematician's View of Proof

Tuesday 4th June 2024, 13:00 BST

Professor Sarah Hart will explore what mathematicians mean by proof and will share with you some of her favourites.

Previous lectures in this series

The Maths of Board Games

Tuesday 10th October 2023, 13:00 BST

Professor Sarah Hart will discuss why we have Grandmasters of Chess but not for other games. This will all lead into a discussion about mathematical complexity and an exploration of the complexity of popular games.

The Maths of Sudoku and Latin Squares

Tuesday 21st November 2023, 13:00 BST

Professor Sarah Hart will discuss the maths behind sudoku puzzles and its links to other number games.

Mathematical Puzzles and Paradoxes

Tuesday 30th January 2024, 13:00 BST

Professor Sarah Hart will discuss several examples and the related maths behind set theory and paradoxes such as "some men shave themselves; those that do not shave themselves are shaved by the barber: who shaves the barber?".

The Mathematics of Coincidence

Tuesday 5th March 2024, 13:00 BST

Professor Sarah Hart will the potential consequences from the misunderstanding of coincidence.

How to Prove 1=0, and Other Maths Illusions

Tuesday 14th May 2024, 13:00 BST

Professor Sarah Hart will present some mathematical illusions and discuss the implications behind what is going on. She will also show you have once you have proved one false claim, you can prove anything.

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