Drama & Theatre

Picture yourself on stage or front of camera performing, or behind the scenes designing or directing? If you're considering a degree in drama or theatre studies, you'll first need to decide on the type of course you prefer. Some combine studying the history of theatre and reading and analysing plays with performance skills, while others are much more practical and performance-focused - think acting, musical theatre, costume design and stage management skills in set design, lighting and sound. If you're choosing a performance-based course, expect to attend an audition to showcase those theatrical talents.
Digging deeper into subject interests can help you in a number of ways:
Confirm whether this is (or isn't) something you would be interested in enough to want to study it at university either as the focus of your degree or a minor/elective
Give you some inspiration to use when creating your questions and topics for IA's (coursework) and your Extended Essay
Provide you with content for your university application writing in the future, enabling you to reflect on the things you've been doing to explore your interests in a way that is academically relevant to the course or institution you are applying for.
Useful Resources
How do I apply for a Drama degree? | Blog | Website | This blog provides you with some useful information on applying for a Drama degree. The main topic that is discussed is the different degrees in drama, acting and stage management that you can undertake. | Click Here > | |
The Stage | E-Magazine | News on the UK theatre, entertainment and performing arts industry. | Click Here > | |
Summer Schools in Europe | Events | The most complete directory of summer courses in Europe. It includes courses for high school, undergraduate and graduate students, so ensure you read the descriptions to find options right for you. | Click Here > | |
Research from the University of Bristol | Journal Articles | Website | Explore cutting edge research from the different faculties and departments from the University of Bristol, including free access to their published journal articles. | Click Here > | |
Coursera | Online Course | Coursera is an online platform for distance learning. They have a range of free courses delivered by universities. Search in this section to find courses of interest to you, often these are courses you can follow at your own pace. | Click Here > | |
EdX | Online Course | The X Series courses on the EdX platform are free online courses delivered by universities and aimed at helping you explore areas of interest. | Click Here > | |
FutureLearn | Online Course | FutureLearn is a free online platform where universities from around the globe host FREE online courses you can undertake in your areas of interest. Browse courses by categories or use the search bar to find courses relevant to your interests | Click Here > | |
Springpod: Degree Taster Programmes | Online Course | Virtual programs helping you to explore degree subject areas before you apply which you can complete at your own pace. | Click Here > | |
ExeTalks | Video | Recorded Lecture | ExeTalks are a chance to discover some of the fascinating research undertaken at the University of Exeter. | Click Here |