
Psychology is the study of the mind. It is most commonly the study of discipline, an applied science which seeks to understand individuals and groups through general principles, and applying case studies to diagnose issues.
A professional practitioner of psychology is called a psychologist. Psychologists attempt to understand the role of a person's mental functions in their individual behaviour and how they behave in a social environment.
Digging deeper into subject interests can help you in a number of ways:
Confirm whether this is (or isn't) something you would be interested in enough to want to study it at university either as the focus of your degree or a minor/elective
Give you some inspiration to use when creating your questions and topics for IA's (coursework) and your Extended Essay
Provide you with content for your university application writing in the future, enabling you to reflect on the things you've been doing to explore your interests in a way that is academically relevant to the course or institution you are applying for.
Useful Resources
Consciousness Explained, by Daniel Dennett | Book | Daniel C. Dennett's now-classic book blends philosophy, psychology and neuroscience - with the aid of numerous examples and thought-experiments - to explore how consciousness has evolved, and how a modern understanding of the human mind is radically different from conventional explanations of consciousness.
What people think of as the stream of consciousness is not a single, unified sequence, the author argues, but 'multiple drafts' of reality composed by a computer-like 'virtual machine'.
Dennett explains how science has exploded the classic mysteries of consciousness: the nature of introspection, the self or ego and its relation to thoughts and sensations, the problems posed by qualia, and the level of consciousness of non-human creatures. | St. Clares Library L25 126 DEN | |
Conversations with Neil's Brain: The Neural Nature of Thought & Language by Wukkuan H. Calvin and George A. Ojemann | Book | Written by neurophysiologist William H. Calvin, Ph. D and Neurosurgeon and neurophysiologist George A. Ojemann, this book is available to download free of charge for personal use. | Click Here > | |
Madness Explained : psychosis and human nature, by Richard Bentall | Book | This text shatters the myths that surround madness. It shows that there is no reassuring dividing line between mental health and mental illness. Severe mental disorders can not be reduced to brain chemistry, but must be understood psychologically, as part of normal behaviour and human nature. | St. Clares Library L24 616.8 BEN | |
Nature via Nurture: genes, experience and what makes us human, by Matt Ridley | Book | This title chronicles a revolution in our understanding of genes. Matt Ridley recounts the hundred years' war between the partisans of nature and nurture to explain how this paradoxical creature, the human being, can be simultaneously free-willed and motivated by instinct and culture. | St. Clares Library L25 304.5 RID | |
Phantoms in the Brain: human nature and the architecture of the mind, Blakeslee S & Ramachandran V.S | Book | Using a series of case histories, this text introduces strange and unexplored mental worlds. Ramachandran has discovered that the brain is continually organizing itself in response to change. The brain needs to create a "script" to make sense of the world, a theory examined here. | St. Clares Library L25 150 RAM | |
Psychology: the science of mind and behaviour, by Richard Gross | Book | All the major domains of Psychology are covered in detail in this new edition, across 50 chapters that will help you get to grips with anything from the nervous system to memory, from attachment to personality, and everything in-between. A final section on issues and debates allows students to cast a critical eye on the research process, to explore the nature of Psychology as an evolving science, and understand some of the ethical issues faced by Psychologists. Features: Introductions and Summaries, Ask Yourself Questions, Key Studies, Critical and Cross-Cultural material - Improved coverage throughout of work from neuroscience, neuropsychology and evolutionary psychology. New for this edition, Gross is supported by an online resources packagewhich will help students to learn, and course leaders to deliver that learning. A free Dynamic Learning resources website supports students in revision, essay writing, and matching the book content to their course. | St. Clares Library L25 150 GRO | |
The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, by Oliver Sacks | Book | These are case studies of people who have lost their memories and with them the greater part of their pasts; who are no longer able to recognize people or common objects; whose limbs have become alien; who are afflicted and yet are gifted with uncanny artistic or mathematical talents. In Dr Sacks’s splendid and sympathetic telling, each tale is a unique and deeply human study of life struggling against incredible adversity. | St. Clares Library L24 616.89 SAC | |
The Private Life of the Brain, by Susan Greenfield | Book | What is happening in the brain when we drink too much alcohol, get high on ecstasy or experience road rage? Emotion, says internationally acclaimed neuroscientist Susan Greenfield, is the building block of consciousness. As our minds develop we create a personalized inner world based on our experiences. But during periods of intense emotion, such as anger, fear or euphoria, we can literally lose our mind, returning to the mental state we experienced as infants. Challenging many preconceived notions, Susan Greenfield's groundbreaking book seeks to answer one of science's most enduring mysteries: how our unique sense of self is created. | St. Clares Library L24 612.82 GRE | |
Thinking, Fast and Slow, by Daniel Kahneman (2012) | Book | The "New York Times" Bestseller, acclaimed by author such as Freakonomics co-author Steven D. Levitt, Black Swan author Nassim Nicholas Taleb and Nudge co-author Richard Thaler, "Thinking Fast and Slow" offers a whole new look at the way our minds work, and how we make decisions. Why is there more chance we'll believe something if it's in a bold type face? Why are judges more likely to deny parole before lunch? Why do we assume a good-looking person will be more competent? The answer lies in the two ways we make choices: fast, intuitive thinking, and slow, rational thinking. Psychologist Daniel Kahneman reveals the truth about our intuitions and rationality to teach us how to better our lives. He explores the fascinating flaws and marvels of human behaviour and reveals to us the common errors in people's beliefs. | St. Clares Library L25 153 KAH | |
ProEd | Course | Future Psychologist Summer Programme (use code StClares2022 for a 20% disocunt) | Click Here > | |
STEM Guide | E-Magazine | A guide to careers in STEM subjects. | Click Here > | |
Summer Schools in Europe | Events | The most complete directory of summer courses in Europe. It includes courses for high school, undergraduate and graduate students, so ensure you read the descriptions to find options right for you. | Click Here > | |
Young Psychologist Programmes | Events | Conference | Gain an immersive experience of Psychology alongside top professionals. Choose below either our Young Psychologist Weekend or our Young Psychologist Summer Experience. | Click Here > | |
Research from the University of Bristol | Journal Articles | Website | Explore cutting edge research from the different faculties and departments from the University of Bristol, including free access to their published journal articles. | Click Here > | |
Coursera | Online Course | Coursera is an online platform for distance learning. They have a range of free courses delivered by universities. Search in this section to find courses of interest to you, often these are courses you can follow at your own pace. | Click Here > | |
EdX | Online Course | The X Series courses on the EdX platform are free online courses delivered by universities and aimed at helping you explore areas of interest. | Click Here > | |
FutureLearn | Online Course | FutureLearn is a free online platform where universities from around the globe host FREE online courses you can undertake in your areas of interest. Browse courses by categories or use the search bar to find courses relevant to your interests | Click Here > | |
Oxford Martin School: Public Lectures and Seminars | Podcast | Recorded Lecture | Public Lectures and Seminars from the Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford. The Oxford Martin School brings together the best minds from different fields to tackle the most pressing issues of the 21st century. | Click Here > | |
Cafe Scientifique Oxford, 2020 Archive | Recorded Lecture | A video archive of the 2020 Cafe Scientifique Oxford sessions, held on Zoom due to the pandemic | Click Here > | |
Springboard | Video | These videos bring you cutting-edge research from Oxford's graduate students on a wide range of topics - from climate change and colonialism, to microbiomes and mathematical logic. Each video offers an introduction to a new topic, plus lots of activities and further resources to explore. When you click on a topic, you will be asked a few questions and then you will be able to play the video you've chosen. | Click Here > | |
ExeTalks | Video | Recorded Lecture | ExeTalks are a chance to discover some of the fascinating research undertaken at the University of Exeter. | Click Here | |
The British Psychological Society | Website | Blog | Events | Journal | The British Psychological Society website is a great resource that includes resources to explore careers in psychology as well as exploring psychology as an academic subject. Scroll to the bottom of the home page to access their publications and see upcoming webinars. or click on news in the many to see both the news and their blogs. | Click here > | |
21st Century Challenges: Informed discussion from the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) | Website | Blog | Video | Recorded Lecture | Events | 21st Century Challenges considers the big social, environmental and economic challenges of our time. Join us at events; read articles and commentary informed by the latest geographical research; watch videos, be inspired, think critically, build your networks and share your ideas. | Click here > | |
HE+ | Website | Podcast | Blog | Video | The HE+ website has supercurricular resources created and written by Cambridge students and academics including challenging activities, engaging videos, reflective questions and much more. | Click Here > | |
LIS Learning Hub | Website | Webinar | Recorded Lecture | Blog | Podcast | This is an open source area full of webinars, articles, videos, short reads, mini-lectures, podcasts and more from the London Interdiscipinary school. | Click Here > | |
Springpod Virtual Work Experience | Work Experience | Virtual work experience Opportunities across a range of companies and sectors. Most of them are free. | Click Here > |