Aeronautical/Aerospace Engineering

Aeronautical engineering degrees represent the branch of engineering that deals with the research, design, development, construction, testing, science and technology of aircraft or spacecraft. The field also covers investigation into aerodynamic characteristics of aircraft, including behaviors and related factors such as airfoil, control surfaces, lift and drag. In recent years, aeronautical engineering has become one of two major and overlapping branches of aerospace engineering, with astronautical engineering being the second.
Digging deeper into subject interests can help you in a number of ways:
Confirm whether this is (or isn't) something you would be interested in enough to want to study it at university either as the focus of your degree or a minor/elective
Give you some inspiration to use when creating your questions and topics for IA's (coursework) and your Extended Essay
Provide you with content for your university application writing in the future, enabling you to reflect on the things you've been doing to explore your interests in a way that is academically relevant to the course or institution you are applying for.
Useful Resources
How do I apply for an Engineering Degree? | Blog | Website | This blog provides you with some useful information on applying for an Engineering degree. Some of the topics discussed include: the different engineering degree subjects, required subjects necessary for admissions, application success, top engineering universities in the UK, required grades, and other useful experience. | Click Here > | |
Engineering: a beginner's guide, by Natasha McCarthy | Book | Focusing on the impact of engineering on society and the world, McCarthy details the development of the discipline, explains what makes an engineering mind, and shows how every aspect of our lives has been engineered: from gadgets to our national infrastructure.
Long considered tinkerers, problem solvers, and visionaries, engineers hold the keys to our real and virtual future. | St. Clares Library L24 620 MCC | |
The New Science of Strong Materials or Why You Don't Fall Through the Floor, by J.E Gordon | Book | Why isn't wood weaker that it is? Why isn't steel stronger? Why does glass sometimes shatter and sometimes bend like spring? Why do ships break in half? What is a liquid and is treacle one? All these are questions about the nature of materials. All of them are vital to engineers but also fascinating as scientific problems. During the 250 years up to the 1920s and 1930s they had been answered largely by seeing how materials behaved in practice. But materials continued to do things that they "ought" not to have done. Only in the last 40 years have these questions begun to be answered by a new approach. Material scientists have started to look more deeply into the make-up of materials. They have found many surprises; above all, perhaps, that how a material behaves depends on how perfectly - or imperfectly - its atoms are arranged. Using both SI and imperial units, Professor Gordon's account of material science is a demonstration of the sometimes curious and entertaining ways in which scientists isolate and solve problems. | St. Clares Library L24 620.1 GOR | |
ProEd | Course | Future Engineer Summer Programme (use code StClares2022 for a 20% discount) | Click Here > | |
STEM Guide | E-Magazine | A guide to careers in STEM subjects. | Click Here > | |
The Engineer | E-Magazine | The latest engineering, technology and business news and features. There are sections for different engineering disciplines | Click Here > | |
Young Engineer Programmes | Events | Conference | Gain an immersive experience of Engineering alongside top professionals. Choose below either our Young Engineer Weekend or our Young Engineer Summer Experience. | Click Here > | |
Royal SOciety Open Science | Journal | An open journal publishing high-quality research across all of science, engineering and mathematics | Click Here > | |
Research from the University of Bristol | Journal Articles | Website | Explore cutting edge research from the different faculties and departments from the University of Bristol, including free access to their published journal articles. | Click Here > | |
Coursera | Online Course | Coursera is an online platform for distance learning. They have a range of free courses delivered by universities. Search in this section to find courses of interest to you, often these are courses you can follow at your own pace. | Click Here > | |
EdX | Online Course | The X Series courses on the EdX platform are free online courses delivered by universities and aimed at helping you explore areas of interest. | Click Here > | |
FutureLearn | Online Course | FutureLearn is a free online platform where universities from around the globe host FREE online courses you can undertake in your areas of interest. Browse courses by categories or use the search bar to find courses relevant to your interests | Click Here > | |
ProEd | Online Course | Online Future Engineer Programme | Click Here > | |
Springpod: Degree Taster Programmes | Online Course | Virtual programs helping you to explore degree subject areas before you apply which you can complete at your own pace. | Click Here > | |
ExeTalks | Video | Recorded Lecture | ExeTalks are a chance to discover some of the fascinating research undertaken at the University of Exeter. | Click Here | |
I want to study engineering | Website | Problem solving activities and advice for making competitive applications for Engineering. Create a free account to track your progress. | Click Here > | |
engNRICH | Website | Mathematical activities to complement and enhance the study of engineering. | Click Here > | |
Royal Aeronautical Society | Website | Blog | E-Magazine | Journal | Video | Conference | You can find resources to explore careers in aerospace & aviation in the Careers & Education section of this website. In the News & Expertise section, you will find their insight blog, Aerospace e-Magazine and their journals and papers. | Click Here > | |
Institute of Mechanical Engineerings | Website | E-Magazine | Events | Webinar | The latest news, research, through leadership, jobs, events and training within the engineering sectors connected to mechanical engineering. The careers and education section of the site has information on scholarships and awards as well as careers within these industries. Within many of the sectors, you will find webinars and events listed | Click Here > | |
HE+ | Website | Podcast | Blog | Video | The HE+ website has supercurricular resources created and written by Cambridge students and academics including challenging activities, engaging videos, reflective questions and much more. | Click Here > | |
Springpod Virtual Work Experience | Work Experience | Virtual work experience Opportunities across a range of companies and sectors. Most of them are free. | Click Here > |