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Emily Spriggs

Adult Nursing Live Treatment


Date: Wednesday 17th May 2023 Time: 17:45-18:30 BST Location: Online


About the Live Treatment

Join University of Surrey live from their clinical simulation centre to observe a live treatment of a patient who is feeling short of breath. You role will be to make decisions about the care of the patient which will be passed over to the student nurses to take appropriate action. You will see how the patient responds to your care treatment and the importance of considering human biology links when making nursing decisions.

Please note, a real patient will not be used in this simulation, rather an actor. However, you will be joined by Nurses, Paramedics, Midwives and Doctors with real equipment to observe skills in practice.

Who is this event for?

Any students who are interested in studying Adult Nursing at University. Students who are also interested in medicine, midwifery and other healthcare professions may also wish to attend.

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