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Biosciences: Animal Reproduction and Conservation

Tuesday 21st May 2024

16:00-17:35 (UK time)


About the Taster Lecture

Join this taster lecture to explore whether biosciences is the right course for you. Throughout the session you will learn how wild animal reproduction can save endangered species. You will have the opportunity to look at the biology of fertilisation and early embryo development to better understand conservation science.

  • 4pm: Log in and get comfortable

  • 4.05pm: Welcome and introductions to the University

  • 4.20pm: Mini lecture

  • 4.50pm: Question and answer session about the mini lecture

  • 4.55pm: 'Being a Biosciences student' Q&A session with student ambassadors

  • 5.30pm: Closing remarks

Who is this taster lecture suitable for?

Students in IB1 and IB2 who are interested in studying Biosciences at university.

Please do not register to attend if you have any lessons or other pre-planned activities which may overlap with this taster lecture, unless you have received authorised permission to do so.

 ©St Clare’s, Oxford - 2022
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