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De:Construct 2022 - Our Changing Environment | Mon 28-Thurs 31 March - free online learning festival


Our Changing Environment

Monday 28 – Thursday 31 March

Are you passionate about the environment? Or curious as to how our world is evolving? You can glimpse into the past and future of design, science and society with our free online learning festival.

This year we're excited to be joined by speakers from ZSL London Zoo, The Science Museum, The Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A), and The Design Museum, amongst others, to discuss 'Our Changing Environment', discovering how our world is changing socially, physically and biologically. You can view the whole programme on our website.

DE:CONSTRUCT is open to students currently in Year 12/IB1 or the first year of college and sessions will run between 4.00pm and 7.15pm BST each evening, with each session lasting around 45 minutes.


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