Would you like a career in visual effects & animation or game design and development?
Escape Studios, one of the UK's leading VFX, Animation and Games Art Institutions are offering online and in-person taster courses for those that are interested in a career in the field. You will get the opportunity to visit their Central London Campus, visit their studios and try out the software they use.
Motion Graphics: Monday 24th October - 17:30 (online) - Free
3D Visual Effects Taster Course: Saturday 12th November - 10:00-16:00 (in-person) - £25
3D Animation: Saturday 12th November - 10:00-16:00 (in-person) - £25
2D Compositing: Thursday 24th November - 10:00-16:00 (in-person) - £25
Character & Creature Creation: Saturday 26th November - 10:00-16:00 (in-person) - £25
Game Art: Saturday 26th November - 10:00-16:00 (in-person) - £25
Please do not book to attend the weekday sessions if you have timetabled lessons or other pre-planned activities that would overlap with the taster course.