About the Lecture Series
Gresham College are hosting a technology lecture series from September 2023 - May 2024.
The lecture series will examine how we can prepare for advances in technology, in terms of our relationships, objects around us, and the problems associated with misuse. All lectures will be hosted by Professor Victoria Baines from IT Livery Company.
Meet the Cybercriminals
Tuesday 19th September 2023, 18:00 BST
Professor Victoria Baines will discuss the demographics, appearance and motivation of cybercriminals and how these factors can the world protect themselves.
Brain Computer Interfaces
Tuesday 24th October 2023, 18:00 BST
Professor Victoria Baines will explore how medical technology can allow us to read brain signals and translate them to reverse paralysis and usage of brain stimulation in treating diseases.
The Massive Internet of Things
Tuesday 5th December 2023, 18:00 BST
Professor Victoria Baines will explore how we can maximise the benefits of internet connected objects in cities, whilst still ensuring our data is protected and secure.
Data Protection for Thrillseekers
Tuesday 19th March 2024, 18:00 BST
Professor Victoria Baines will discuss the rights we have in data protection for our personal information.
The Next Fifty Years of Tech
Tuesday 7th May 2024, 18:00 BST
Professor Victoria Baines will explore how technology can change our lives in the future. She will discuss how AI, extended reality, mobile connectivity, quantum computing, and much more will coverage, enable and accelerate each other.