Liberal Arts and Sciences

This is the name of a degree style commonly taught in the USA (and American Schools in Europe) where students study a wide range of subjects initially and then declare a major subject part way through.
In the UK there are several universities offering a ‘Liberal Arts’ or ‘Arts & Sciences’ degree. Each university has chosen a different structure but all the courses enable students to combine a number of different subjects and study a wider breadth whilst still having a ‘major’ field of study.
Many Dutch Universities have University Colleges attached to their institution where a ‘Liberal Arts & Science’ curriculum is taught with a similar philosophy to the USA. Each college offers a different range of subjects and often has an area they specialize in.
Almost all Canadian Universities offer a Bachelor or Arts and/or a Bachelor of Arts and Sciences, which gives you similar freedom in class choice and some Colleges teach a Liberal Arts Curriculum.
Typically ‘Liberal Arts’ colleges and courses have smaller class sizes and more contact time with academics. In the UK and Europe this has made them competitive and prestigious programmes to gain a place on.
Good to Know