
Philosophy as we know it can be traced back to the time of the Ancient Greeks – the word itself is derived from the Greek for ‘love of knowledge’. Its nature as a study of humanity means that it is less prone to going out of date than some subjects, so to study philosophy is to immerse yourself in an absolutely huge continuum of ideas and debates both past and present.
But that is not to say, however, that new developments are not being made; the past hundred years or so have produced some of the most important and significant philosophical thought there is.
It is, of course, a subject which tends to creep into other disciplines, particularly social sciences and humanities subjects like literature, politics, and the history of art, but also the ‘hard’ sciences – for instance when it comes to analyzing the ethical implications of a research project.
Good to Know
With the developments in Artificial Intelligence, big tech companies have been actively recruiting Philosophy graduates to work alongside their engineers and programmers.
Useful Skills
Analytical | |
Attention to Detail | |
Idea Visualisation | |
Listening | |
Mathematical | |
Research | |
Speaking (Verbal Communication) | |
Staying Motivated / Working Hard | |
Staying Positive (Resilience) | |
Written Communication |